Friends, Family, and CBI Partners,

Praise the Lord! He is so very faithful to His children, and so very gracious to provide for us working with CBI. We received wonderful news the second week of September: CBInternational, our official corporate name, was granted full 501(c)3 federal tax exemption status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. This means our partners can make contributions direction to CBInternational and receive full tax credit (if you itemize!). Many thanks to our faithful team members Marsha Byrd and Vicki Kirby for spearheading this effort, and to all those who came alongside to help during the process. The application approval came earlier than we expected, and is very timely now that we are approaching our 2010 Phase 2 training (October 1-9).

Romanian Businesses

The business climate in Eastern Europe continues to wallow in the doldrums of uncertainty and fear, and corruption continues to be rampant in all segments of life there. This gives a wonderful background against which the integrity, honesty, and love – not to mention the suffering – of Evangelical Christians are displayed. Please pray that our business partners would continue to be faithful in their Kingdom Impacts and in repaying their loans back into the Business Development Fund so that they may be our partners in starting the next generation of businesses.

All of our Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 businesses are being tested to the extreme in this very difficult climate. One new “hit” they are dealing with is a new tax law that is particularly oppressive. We encourage these precious people that there is no crisis with God if we are faithful and diligent with the resources He makes available to us to advance His Kingdom and care for His people. Please join us in praying that our Lord will change the heart of the government in this matter (Prov. 21:1).

Role play: Angry customer

Global Opportunities

We still get messages and calls from interested parties in other geographic areas, some in Eastern Europe and some very far from there. Pray with us that God will raise up the personnel and resources to join us in this ministry. We are excited to have a new team member, James Davis, join us in October for Phase 2. James is the son of veteran mission partner Ernie Davis, and has been on several evangelical missions already in his young career.

New Challenges

We have six candidates at this writing (15 September) who have submitted market research projects and whom we will likely invite to participate in Phase 2. During this phase we work with them to develop a comprehensive, three-year business plan and teach them more in-depth business principles from Scripture. It is rumored that there are one or two more projects that have been submitted but are still being translated into English.


We are also asking God to raise up competent, Godly leadership from the Romanian Christian Business community who will begin to take an active role in managing the Romanian project so that we will be free to being this work elsewhere as the Lord leads and provides. We also still need Western partners (from North America, the U.K., etc.) who will join us in this fruitful ministry.


Prayer Needs

Here are some specific ways you can join us in prayer:

  • Pray for our business owners from Years 1, 2, and 3 – for God to encourage and comfort them, that they will not give up their business, that the enemy would be thwarted, that the new government tax would be repealed.
  • Pray that they be faithful in their “Kingdom Impact” activities, using the proceeds from their business to bless their churches and ministries, and boldly reach out to their customers and business neighbors with the Gospel.
  • Pray for our Year 4 business owners – that God would give them courage, wisdom, and much grace as they start up or expand their businesses.
  • Pray that they would work their business plans and not be distracted. That they would be disciplined in following the budget they set up for their operation.
  • Pray that by faith they would repay their loans on time each month, and that God would bless them with clients and customers!

Thank you each and every one for your support and prayers, and for your interest in spreading the Gospel and building the Church of the Living God throughout the world!

We pray that your holiday season is truly full of blessings and of giving thanks. Brethren, pray for us!

October Slide Show