
  • Pray for people the world over who are struggling with the personal and economic impacts of the “pandemic.”
  • Pray for our partners especially in Romania, Kenya, and Honduras who are striving to be strong and faithful in carrying out the vision and mission of Kingdom Businesses in their communities.
  • Pray for the leadership of CBInternational, that we see the opportunities and challenges this unusual situation is presenting, and that we have the wisdom and courage to respond.
  • Pray that the Lord raise up strong Christian business people in our communities to help lead the establishment of Christian Business Alliances and Local CBI Leadership teams start new micro-businesses in their areas.
  • Above all, pray that God be glorified through the businesses being operated by His people and that Jesus be exalted in the marketplace everywhere we work.
  • And pray with us, the CBI executive leadership, that God raise up new people to come alongside us and help lead this mission.


CBInternational is incorporated in the State of Texas as a non-profit corporation and is certified under IRS tax codes as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Your philanthropic goals and your desires for enabling entrepreneurs to start Kingdom businesses can be achieved through your financial support. How can you invest in Kingdom opportunities?

  • You can fund a business loan in a developing country
  • You can contribute to a trainer’s overseas trip expenses
  • You can support a CBI Alliance chapter
  • You can donate to CBI operating expenses

For more information Contact Us.


If you have a heart for foreign missions (people) and a head for business (an understanding of how business works) from a Biblical perspective, God may be calling you to join us! Foreign travel is an adventure (!!), especially in places like Eastern Europe, Africa, or Central America, but God has blessed us beyond our ability to comprehend or express with new friendships and a new “frame of reference” of His power and grace. The current process requires us to travel sometimes multiple times in a year. Going with us once does not commit you to all of the trips, but we’ve found that we establish relationships with the candidates and the local leadership teams and that entices us to keep going back! Each “coach” brings with him or her a fresh perspective that God uses in a wonderful way. For more information Contact Us.

Join the Team

  • We are a small but dedicated team of men and women from all walks of life and several different churches.
  • You don’t need an MBA (none of us have one!) or consider yourself an expert in business; you simple need a basic understanding of how business works and how money works.
  • You also need to be a faithful Christ-follower and an active member of a local church.
  • Our “Leaders”are characterized asgenuine (or “mature”) Christ-followers who desire to see Him exalted in their families, churches, and communities by following Biblical principles of relationships, business, and finances.
  • You should be willing to travel from time to time (as God leads and provides) to teach and encourage business owners in various locations around the world.
  • You must be willing to participate in regular leadership meetings either in person or electronically.