Matthew Okeyo

This is Matthew Okeyo. He is the leader of CBI Kenya. We had the great honor and pleasure of visiting with brother Matthew the first few days of October while he was in Lake Jackson to greet and encourage The Lighthouse Baptist Church, with which he has also had a ministry partnership for several years.

With the world “waking up” again after dealing with the challenges of the “pandemic” we are all keen to get the Business Development Project revitalized in Kenya and in Honduras, as well as getting started with local (Southern Brazoria County, to start) Leadership Teams and their ensuing projects.

We were able to share with Matthew our most recent work on re-focusing our efforts as a Corporate Team on building Affiliate Leadership Teams and documenting the principles and processes by which CBInternational operates. We also received Matthew’s vision and plan for the revitalization of the Kenya project; this is a thrilling and ambitious plan to reach – ultimately – all of Africa with both the Gospel and with Biblical principles of finance management and of business operation. Included in both of our visions is the prospect of forming Christian Business Alliances among existing Christ-following business owner/operators.

Please pray for brother Okeyo as he builds out his team and seeks to involve others in the Christian community in this mission.

Jim Martin

President and Team Leader


2 thoughts to “Kenya Leadership Visit

  • Denice Rachar Ondeng

    May I encourage the leadership of CBI to keep up in the name of the Lord .
    With God , everything is possible .
    Let’s put our CBI in prayer .

    • James Martin

      I can assure you, sister, that your people and our ministry in Kenya are in our prayers daily! Yesu ni Bwana!


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