A team of five traveled to Kenya in February to train potential leaders for the Affiliate Leadership Team there. We had five men and five women attending in Kisumu from several locations in Kenya. We had a fantastic, but very busy week!

CBI Kenya is doing well in the face of government corruption and a depressed economy. They have started three small businesses, a clothing shop, a pharmacy, and an equipment rental business. We had 13 attendees at our Affiliate Leadership Training conference last week, wherein we (Larry & I, with wonderful help from Nelida) went through all five modules of the revised curriculum. The Kenyan team essentially took over the meeting Wednesday following afternoon tea and developed a “test case” Executive Summary for a Tour and Travel Business. We used the data from that case to populate a financial plan Excel workbook, which exercise was very instructive to the class. It clearly emphasized the need for thorough Market Research and sound data. I believe their plan is to reconvene in a month to plan the “next step” in filling out the leadership team and moving forward with candidate training in due course.

Again, thank you for your prayers and support, especially to Marsha Byrd, Larry and Vicki Kirby, Nelida Lamb, and Brenda Martin in producing 14 bound manuals of nearly 300 pages each. This manual will be the basis for training both leadership teams and candidates (along with the accompanying Candidate manuals). Yesu ni Bwana! Jesus es El Senor!

Jim Martin

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