Faithful friends and encouragers,

It has been too long since we’ve posted “news” of or events occurring in the world of Christian Business International. It is unfortunate but understandable for one to think we’ve gone underground or stopped functioning. The “global pandemic” has most certainly obstructed our ability to travel abroad and even, until recently, meet together. Please allow me to share three specific, COVID-related prayer requests with you, friends. Although restrictions are beginning to relax in some parts of the USA they are still very much in force and even increasing in our partners’ countries:

  1. Kenya: President Kenyatta of Kenya has ‘locked down” at least five counties around Nairobi, shutting down businesses and travel. The positive test rate has hit 22% according to Reuters news reports. Our partners there are struggling greatly. Pray that effective measures (including anti-viral medications) would be available and able to be distributed justly,
  2. Honduras: In similar conditions, our Honduran brothers and sisters are battling both the effects of the virus and corruption in segments of leadership and in the communities.
  3. Some of our partners in Kenya have felt strong leadership from our Master to minister in a remote and, at times dangerous part of their country. This is a key example of a “Kingdom Impact” that we have as a distinctive of our process. Pray that the Lord would protect our partners and open the door to the area for taking the Gospel to the people in that region.

And finally, if you have a business, are a Christ-follower, and want to see your business impact God’s Kingdom in an observable way, please allow us the honor of praying for you. Use the contact form on our site for more information.

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