June 2021 Update

Faithful friends and encouragers, It has been too long since we’ve posted “news” of or events occurring in the world of Christian Business International. It is unfortunate but understandable for one to think we’ve gone underground or stopped functioning. The “global pandemic” has most certainly obstructed our ability to travel abroad and even, until recently, […]

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Kenya on My Mind! (October 2018)

It has been far too long since we’ve posted news here, to my great chagrin! Larry Kirby, Ernie Davis, and I (Jim Martin) are off to Kisumu, Kenya, Sunday evening, to explore the possibility for Christian Business    International to start a business development project there. Please pray that we will have great, Godly wisdom […]

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Honduras (March-April 2017)

As we prepare for a trip to Honduras we ask for your prayers. We are looking for ways in which to expand the CBI ministry in Honduras. We will be meeting with local believers to see what kind of impact a CBI project could have in Honduras and how the local leaders can be involved […]

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Friends, Family, and CBI Partners, Praise the Lord! He is so very faithful to His children, and so very gracious to provide for us working with CBI. We received wonderful news the second week of September: CBInternational, our official corporate name, was granted full 501(c)3 federal tax exemption status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. […]

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2009 Businesses

From over thirty potential business owners attending Phase 1 in February, 2009, we had ten who submitted market research plans. This is the largest group we have had for Phase 2 (“Building the Business Plan”). All ten of these were invited to attend “Phase 2” training in May. During this phase of training and development […]

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Romanian Christian Business Development Project

A group of churches and individual Christians in Brazoria County began working with a Romanian Baptist association of churches in the late 1990’s. This came about after a Romanian-flagged ship and its crew were abandoned by its owners in Freeport Harbor in 1998. Through the Freeport Seaman’s Center these crew members were assisted in both […]

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